Mount Bures Community Web Site
History of "Rumpes"
map of land

In the past, present Rumpes farmhouse had some 20 acres of land attached. The name stemmed originally from two separate parcels or crofts of three and two acres respectively lying in and held of Mount Bures manor as shown. The crofts adjoined Cowmarsh green, also known as Garners Tye. Garners once spread over perhaps 15 acres until various people laid claim to it and portions were enclosed; some had belonged to Crepping Hall Manor. Some also lay in an isolated part of Bures Hamlet adjoining and may have included land donated to the Priory of Stoke Clare. In the 13th century the monks owned land in Bures Hamlet where, later, they also had a dwelling, Parsonage Hall, enabling them to administer their lands.

RUMPES with 5 acres of land Mount Bures;Copyhold. Tenement lay in Bures Hamlet.
1501. John Intelsham.
1540. John Moore, his buttele, see below.

In 1549 some Mount Bures tenants produced a buttele which was a precise description of their area, the position of the lands held by the individual and the relationship to the lands it adjoined. Part of the buttele is quoted below .
"A parcel of land called Rumpes conteyning by estimacion 3 acres be it more or less on the one syde buttynge upon Akermans whych is the same lordes land lying to the sowth pty, the other syde buttynge on Garners Tye on the north pty and the est syde buttynge on the same lordes land called hyee feeld, the west syde buttinge on the hye way ledynge from Mont Bueres to Bottes tye". "Another parcel called Rumpes also conteynge by estimacion 2 akres the one hede buttynge on the hye way ledynge from Mont Bures to Colne Wake on the west, the other syde butting on the same lordes land called fowecroft and the Ryde on the east ptye, the north syde it butteth upon the aforesaid fowercroft and the south syde it butteth upon lordess land called hye ffelde and Garners Tye croft".

1607. John Moore junior on the death of his father John.
1614 John Moore and wife Margaret.
1625. John Moore and wife Anne.
1662 John Moore, nephew above.
1663. Samuel Burton tallow chandler.
1683. John Burton son of Samuel.
1730. Cropping Hall rental lists show an arrangement between Ralph Polley and Samuel Burton for a yearly rent of 2s. which suggests an association with Rumpes . This transaction is not mentioned on 1769 Mount Bures Rental.
1736. Ralph Policy, according to later deeds, he died 1797.
1797. Mary and Frances Polley daughters of Ralph; property now includes 20 acres, a barn and a house.
1812. William Evers, miller, with wife Frances, nee Polley, and Mary Polley shared until 1838
1840. Thomas Newman, miller of Boxted, and wife Rebecca, farmed Rumpes and Abrams farm after lengthy litigation.
1850. Abraham Newman died 1890, son of above, enfranchised Rumpes, lands of Solliers and Abrams - £100.
1880. Arthur Newman, farmer and miller, son of Abraham.
1890. Messrs Greene King bought Rumpes cottage and 10 acres freehold.

Garners was the Pound. The present Rumpes house was almost certainly built by Ralph Policy, above, during the early 18th century, though Ralph's tenement lay just in Bures Hamlet on the probable edge of the tye which, by then, was no longer common land. Before Ralph died Rumpes had increased to 20 acres with a barn, included in this was 6 acres of Solliers with a cottage lying opposite Rumpes at the junction of the lanes. Soon both Rumpes and Solliers were part of the holding of the Newman family who farmed Abrams and were millers here in the 19th century.
Eventually Rumpes cottage with the 5 acres and the Backhouse croft with 5 acres were sold to Messrs Greene King in 1890.

1961 Ernest Chaplin purchased the cottage from the Brewery, today it is owned by Joyce Chaplin his daughter who was born there in 1916. The 10 acres are now divided between tree surgeon Richard Fordham and the Martin family, the freehold owners of the Thatchers Inn.

Reprint courtesy of "Mount Bures it`s Lands and People" dated 1996.